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Tantric Exploration

  • 1 h
  • 240 US dollars

Service Description

Tantra emerged as a response to ascetic practices that emphasized the denial of senses as the sole means of attaining a state of transcendence. Unlike those traditions, Tantra is an ode to our senses. It seeks to develop our ability to receive and give love without any conditions. By integrating various sensory materials, guided meditative imagery, and breath work, I can assist you in cultivating awareness and becoming fully immersed in the present moment. By exploring the capacities of your body, mind, and spirit at a conscious level, you can bring acceptance and joy into your daily routine. In contrast to the belief that Tantra is merely a means of reaching climax, it is rather about attuning to the erotic vibration and staying present in that state. It can be a powerful tool for clearing the mind, transcending emotional blocks that hinder the sensory experience, and achieving balance between the mind-body desires and the wisdom of one's true nature.

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